Credits for this artwork to the lovely @Lyraasann

TsukiPro Secret Santa Event 2023

Let's spread happiness and joy at the end of 2023!

Assignments are open!


  • Don't tell anyone who your giftee is (it's a secret Santa event after all)

  • No harrasment

  • Don't be rude to anyone

  • No Nsfw works nor merch gifts - Fic/Art only

  • If you can't finish in time please tell us immediately so we can either give a grace period or fill your space with an emergency santa!

  • No backing out one week before the posting period (starting 25th). If you can't make it please tell us before!

  • Requirements:

  • Fic: at least 600 words, Art: at least 1 colored (monochrome is fine) piece


Sign-Up period:25.10.23 - 17.11.23
Assigning your giftee (mods):18.11.23 - 23.11.23
Midway Checkin via Email (mods):04.12.23
Posting period:25.12.23 - 31.12.23
Grace period:01.01.24 - 08.01.24

Mod Nao

Hello Hello, Mod Nao here! Nice to meet you again~ let's all have fun together and share lots of happiness at the end of 2023!
I'm still Tsukiuta & Vazzrock main (more hyperfixtated to Vazzrock), but I love Tsukipro overall with all of my heart!

  • Pronoun: she/her

  • Age: (adult)

  • Timezone: GMT +7

Mod Koi

Hello, Mod Koi is here for you once again!! Let's all have fun and spread happiness for the end of 2023 too with lots of TsukiPro <3
I'm still a TsukiUta main, but TsukiPro overall is very dear to my heart!

  • Pronoun: they/them

  • Age: (adult)

  • Timezone (October): UTC + 2

  • Timezone (November + December): UTC+1

Contact / Help

Feel free to contact us anytime you need help! We're available for DMs, Email's and Discord!